White Light Healing
What is White Light? It is a name used to designate the field of energy whose harmonics are reflective of the energy field of Wholeness which some call Home or Source or Isness.
Remember a time when you felt, even for just a moment, a sense of happiness, creativity, love, vibrancy, etc.
Taking the time to return, with your imagination, to a time when you felt something akin to "wholeness", "love", "generosity", etc. is important. The major of our lives we have lived in doubt, survival, and scarcity. Regaining our connection to our "true" frequency field of wholeness and spending time in that field allows the harmonics of that Home current to bring our crippled vibrations into resonance. The field from which we emerged has the ability to restore us to itself.
In this class, the intention is that you will have a clearer sense of your soul/core/home energy. That is one of the purposes of feeling exercises. In order to restore our harmonics to their Divine signature, you have to understand we live within false stories. Knowing the original stories of our Divine Collective families gives the power. By understanding the past, we can be present in what is and transform the creations of limit, fear and sabotage.
Energy Models:
The model that I created from the information that I was given:
The Model Used by the Hermetic Tradition of the Mystery School in the Pyramids Closer Look of the Lower Dimensions of the Earth Experience
Earth's purpose was to gain the voice of authority to remove outside invader's broadcasting and presence and then to transform the stories that continued our false identity. From that new place of Sovereignty, White Light Field, we intended to create and experience multiple form to bring benefit to lift the entire Web of Life.
I come from Magnificence and I am Beyond Enough
What to do?
Exactly what you are doing…. learn more, think outside of conventional boxes, try new ideas, gather tools
Plans, ideas have no existence until they are in an existence system, put your assignments into a day-timer/calendar, etc.
Reality Statements
This day I place myself into the Magnificence of my Home which dissolves what seems impossible and opens doors where there were none.
Continue your awareness of the thoughts, feelings, actions that are contrary to the qualities of Magnificence/Good
Continue with the TAG Daily Protocol
As individuals face the pain of their limits, they began to look for solutions. Those who are claiming values and ideas that bring benefit rather than harm, they join a group that has been called, the "Cultural Creatives." Are you one?
Remember a time when you felt, even for just a moment, a sense of happiness, creativity, love, vibrancy, etc.
Taking the time to return, with your imagination, to a time when you felt something akin to "wholeness", "love", "generosity", etc. is important. The major of our lives we have lived in doubt, survival, and scarcity. Regaining our connection to our "true" frequency field of wholeness and spending time in that field allows the harmonics of that Home current to bring our crippled vibrations into resonance. The field from which we emerged has the ability to restore us to itself.
In this class, the intention is that you will have a clearer sense of your soul/core/home energy. That is one of the purposes of feeling exercises. In order to restore our harmonics to their Divine signature, you have to understand we live within false stories. Knowing the original stories of our Divine Collective families gives the power. By understanding the past, we can be present in what is and transform the creations of limit, fear and sabotage.
Energy Models:
The model that I created from the information that I was given:
The Model Used by the Hermetic Tradition of the Mystery School in the Pyramids Closer Look of the Lower Dimensions of the Earth Experience
Earth's purpose was to gain the voice of authority to remove outside invader's broadcasting and presence and then to transform the stories that continued our false identity. From that new place of Sovereignty, White Light Field, we intended to create and experience multiple form to bring benefit to lift the entire Web of Life.
I come from Magnificence and I am Beyond Enough
What to do?
Exactly what you are doing…. learn more, think outside of conventional boxes, try new ideas, gather tools
Plans, ideas have no existence until they are in an existence system, put your assignments into a day-timer/calendar, etc.
Reality Statements
This day I place myself into the Magnificence of my Home which dissolves what seems impossible and opens doors where there were none.
Continue your awareness of the thoughts, feelings, actions that are contrary to the qualities of Magnificence/Good
Continue with the TAG Daily Protocol
As individuals face the pain of their limits, they began to look for solutions. Those who are claiming values and ideas that bring benefit rather than harm, they join a group that has been called, the "Cultural Creatives." Are you one?
Healing with color, Dr. Valerie Hunt, The infinite Mind
"Primary studies with hands on healers verified the uniqueness of the transaction between healer and healee. For example, healers who specialized in treating pain and quieting hypertension had strong blue-ish-violet fields when healing. Healers most successful in improving hype diseases, such as hypo-glycemia and hypo-thyrodism, or weak tissues and functions created a strong red-orange-amber field. Red was predominant with healers who regenerated muscle, bone, and nerves. A green-yellow field proved most effective with nerve disorders such as Bell's palsy, Cerebral palsy, or nerve degeneration.
". . . we realized that a transaction between the two fields was essential to hasten healing...
". . . we observed that before the brain wave was activated and before stimuli altered the heart rate, blood pressure or breathing, the filed had already responded. This led us to postulate that a person's primary response in this, "The first exchange with his world takes place first in the auric field, not the sensory nerves nor in the brain."
"Primary studies with hands on healers verified the uniqueness of the transaction between healer and healee. For example, healers who specialized in treating pain and quieting hypertension had strong blue-ish-violet fields when healing. Healers most successful in improving hype diseases, such as hypo-glycemia and hypo-thyrodism, or weak tissues and functions created a strong red-orange-amber field. Red was predominant with healers who regenerated muscle, bone, and nerves. A green-yellow field proved most effective with nerve disorders such as Bell's palsy, Cerebral palsy, or nerve degeneration.
". . . we realized that a transaction between the two fields was essential to hasten healing...
". . . we observed that before the brain wave was activated and before stimuli altered the heart rate, blood pressure or breathing, the filed had already responded. This led us to postulate that a person's primary response in this, "The first exchange with his world takes place first in the auric field, not the sensory nerves nor in the brain."
Another method of using color
You can use the White light in our imagination as a 'flashlight'. With your imagination, move into the body that is feeling the pain. Examine all areas, it could show up as a house, with the light. Listen, notice and sense where there is something needing attention. Maybe something needs to be sown together, dark or muddy colors that need to be cleared or painted with new colors.
Play with this concept and see what shows up for you.
You can use the White light in our imagination as a 'flashlight'. With your imagination, move into the body that is feeling the pain. Examine all areas, it could show up as a house, with the light. Listen, notice and sense where there is something needing attention. Maybe something needs to be sown together, dark or muddy colors that need to be cleared or painted with new colors.
Play with this concept and see what shows up for you.