TAG and Transform
This is a declaration with inherent commands that activates very deep healing in regards to a specific issue. Because this Earth works with the law, “Ask and you will receive”, there are a myriad of Spiritual healers and guardians waiting for YOUR ask. This request contains many specific directives to begin transforming imbalanced energy fields.
Your declaration allows Spiritual Healers to work with yours or the one you have named, to transform as much distorted energy as possible for request from any of your lifetime, region, time and space. T
hey work with your Higher Self and Causal teams to then restore energy to Divine Good.
Your declaration allows Spiritual Healers to work with yours or the one you have named, to transform as much distorted energy as possible for request from any of your lifetime, region, time and space. T
hey work with your Higher Self and Causal teams to then restore energy to Divine Good.