Six Fold Cocoon of Golden Space
The 6-fold cocoon is a layered energy space held in safety, guidance, balance, and healing with spiritual teams and processes from the TAG work.
It allows you to walk through a day upright without having to keep yourself small in order to 'be safe'.
Any energies that are not of your soul's light will be removed, kept out, and moved to their home of origin while your connects to your spiritual information will be expanded.
It allows you to walk through a day upright without having to keep yourself small in order to 'be safe'.
Any energies that are not of your soul's light will be removed, kept out, and moved to their home of origin while your connects to your spiritual information will be expanded.
Components of the 6-Fold Cocoon1. The Red Rock Vortex
This vortex is created by requests to protect, balance, heal, create invisibility, etc. for this those powerful enough to bring our world out of enslavement. It send energy directed to you back 100% to the sender, love gets greater love, etc. 2. The Guardian Circle Guardian Circles Protocol creates energy field that acts as a greenhouse for new growth of Good. It is especially focused on any Outsider energies that try to target the Good to destroy it. 3. The Hitch-Hiker Shield There are many souls who have left their physical body and for a variety of reasons are still 'wandering' the earth. Each soul has a team of their spiritual allies, I call it them the causal team, who is ready to move them to the next phase. When a soul is in the vicinity of the Hitch-Hiker shield, they will move him lovingly. 4. The HazMat Field This is an absorbent field to soak in the toxic energy, transform it so that you do not have to feel its impact. Hazmat is upgraded to not absorb but to use the power of Grace to become clouds and rain of Pink.... love 5. Close the Sky and Golden Song This closes all 'sky' from outsider invasions while activating the Golden Song Project to remove outsider 'entropy' and restore the harmonics of our Original Divine Family's nature of All Good and Agendas of that Good. The Dragonfly is the symbol I am using. 6. Sensitivity Shield You brought in a level of sensitivity to allow you to accomplish your life goals. This shield holds your design to accomplish what your sensitivity was to trigger. And to defuse what it was not meant for. This prevents hyper-sensitivity that is without direction. Around the Entire Cocoon Extinction Shield This Shield is composed of teams who work to identify, contain, neutralize all energy and energy forms of Domination. Those on this team are with the PTO, Galactic Collective Counsel, and Laniakea, super-cluster mother. and is constantly active. They act similar to the HitchHiker Shield with the focus on All Outsiders, As outsiders come toward any person with this shield, the teams act with authority and secured energy containment. The Outsider collective is removed from Earth and all Galactic space into the process of extinction. |