The Fractal Process
As energy slows in vibrational speed, it becomes more solid forms. If the vibrations are balanced indicating health, energy will always form a triangle. From a basic triangle, energy forms into various shapes, like crystals. The results are beautiful shapes, Sacred Geometry.
What we know about the larger Gestalt Fractal shape is that you can take any portion of the whole, look at that smaller piece under a microscope and the Whole is there within the smaller fractal in its entirety.
Fractals appear in all of the natural world. They are vibrational 'pictures' of the word, story, experience, goal, held in the unseen world.
In the Fractal Protocol, you have a symbol, one you chose or one given to you as the piece of the bigger goal or vision. Like concentrated liquid, the outcome is condensed into a powerful activator. Time is collapsed. Intense focus on the fractal/symbol for even 17 seconds will explode the whole vision into a new level of being, of manifestation.
It is a very simple practice.
- Have the symbol either in a form or in your mind or both.
- Sit in the stillness away from the distractions of your day.
- Focus on and condense the symbol for 17 seconds at a time.
- Release and turn the Fractal over to those in the Spiritual Worlds who will active the energy into the Entire Vision.