Evolutionary Blueprint Downloads
Why a new Blueprint For our Physical Bodies?
Because of the conscious choices made by those in physical bodies to heal themselves and others, new codes for the bodysuit have been given by the Ancient Ones and our Divine Star Families.
The original bodysuit blueprints were first crippled which and soon after were replaced with one of parasitic design.The Evolutionary Blueprint is written with the original agendas to create and experience all aspects of Good as the foundation.
These vibrational harmonics are compatible to the changes made within our earth, her ley lines, the deep healing of generational trauma, the multiple changes in our galactic worlds/off planet Star families' regions, and restoration of our secured channels to our Divine Star Families.
These codes of new harmonics make the unity and wholeness that we ARE possible to experience.
Because of the conscious choices made by those in physical bodies to heal themselves and others, new codes for the bodysuit have been given by the Ancient Ones and our Divine Star Families.
The original bodysuit blueprints were first crippled which and soon after were replaced with one of parasitic design.The Evolutionary Blueprint is written with the original agendas to create and experience all aspects of Good as the foundation.
These vibrational harmonics are compatible to the changes made within our earth, her ley lines, the deep healing of generational trauma, the multiple changes in our galactic worlds/off planet Star families' regions, and restoration of our secured channels to our Divine Star Families.
These codes of new harmonics make the unity and wholeness that we ARE possible to experience.
What the Blueprint Includes
- A sensitive system that quickly identifies energies of foreign invasion, domination, deceit, danger to alert all teams into action. A stronger immune system on all levels.
- New system of energy use. All energy is used for Good with the entropy vacuumed into an organic compost system to be instantly returned to frequencies of Light or removed to HomeSource if foreign domination frequencies. There will no longer be entropy energy trapped or stored; energy self-corrects to Light.
- Frequencies of parasitic, domination vibrations, including codes of ownership we placed in the original male bodysuit, are extinct with the new evolutionary blueprint.
- The mission for the male bodysuit to carry double ownership codes is completed, accomplished well, and all contractual energies of ownership are removed.
- All contracts made by mission volunteers to manifest energies of foreign dominating outsiders as a way of identifying those energies are fulfilled and removed.
- Wiring anchored to secure, clear channels in the unseen fields of intelligence and collective These continue to respond according to Earth/Universal/Galactic Laws.
- An instinctual unfoldment to Divine Star Family connection and agenda.
- All organs, systems, structures within the physical bodysuit are unified and flow with wholeness, balance, and vitality.
- The Divine Star Families' agendas are the standard to which ideas, actions, and behaviors are vetted.
- The programs strengthen the immune system of boundaries, with warning and actions that removes and prevents parasitics type energy.
- Secured channels to the intelligent field of my Divine Star family.
- Codes to neutralize toxic chemicals, medications, additives, etc.
- The female solar plexus center is anchored and activated as this soul determines needs, receives ideas, designs and births cultures of thriving, and secures their presence extinct of any hint of parasitic energy.
- The male heart energy provides infused light for the female's weaving new forms. The old system limits and discounts female creations and form. It has locked them into the "free" commodity that parasitics feed on.
- The 15 basic power centers unfold in correct order. These are the Chakras for our Individual Evolution/Return to our Divine Star Family's Resonance field.
- The DNA is fully stranded for galactic Star families' agenda, Earth mission, and Universal/Mission Laws.
- All healing/transformation functioning is done with the Cosmic Composting system.