Deep Six!
These words, Deep Six, are the holders of a very extensive Declaration into Collaborative Teams in the Unseen World.
This Declaration is based on the Universal Law, "Ask, and You will Receive!"
This Declaration is based on the Universal Law, "Ask, and You will Receive!"
As a Radical Mystic with teachers in worlds beyond Earth, I am very clear that there are Beings from systems outside of the the 7 Divine Families that are incarnating on Earth.
There are Outsider groups who have basic agendas which are like Cancer to our life fields.
Their agendas to Control/Dominate or Use in whatever form they choose is not compatible to Life. Removing such Beings and their Agendas and Forms are the very purpose of Earth Mission,
They no longer have the Authority to be on our planet or in our Life Field. They complex steps to identify, contain, neutralize, unplug, and remove them to the place of Origin are contained within the declaration, DEEP Six!
Every process and declaration in the Sacred Ground Community and the TAG Galactic System of Transformation, Healing, and Education is based on Galactic History, Earth Mission, Soul Missions, and Universal Laws.
The DEEP Six is a declaration/decree that requires that collectives of souls in the unseen world with specific abilities to identify Outsider frequencies, hear and follow the directives bundled for the work of moving them into original home and extinction.
Then, to heal/balance the energies involved while identifying energy vibrations in any frequency coming from those who hold agendas to dominate, control, discount the Good held or created by others. What directive? The ones bundled for the work to identify patterns that have disrupted energy, to heal/balance the energies involved while identifying energy vibrations in any frequency coming from those who hold agendas to dominate, control, discount the Good held or created by others.
Such usurping of others energy is NOT Acceptable. It is a foreign, invasive concept. It is like cancer any where it exists.
The protocol of NOT Acceptable can be activated by the words, DEEP Six.
These words, Deep Six, are the holders of a very extensive Declaration into those in the Unseen World.
This Declaration is based on the Universal Law, "Ask, and You will Receive!"
As a Radical Mystic with teachers in worlds beyond Earth, I am very clear that there are Beings from systems outside of the the 7 Divine Families that are incarnating on Earth.
Their agendas are to Control/Dominate or Use in whatever form they choose. At the least, their agenda constricts the Life of our families. But their actions do not stop at constricting. They discount, diminish, crush, devalue, and ultimately destroy all that is GOOD. In addition, they have built systems and cultures to advance their agendas.
And they no longer have the Authority to be on our planet or in our Life Field. Principles of the Protocol - NOT Acceptable
All of the Process and Protocol of the TAG System of Transformation are based on Universal Laws for this planet and beyond.
The Law of Manifestation
The Law of Free Agency
The Law of Personal Authority
The initial Mission for this Planet was to identify the end result of energy imprints. Most of the imprints were created in the Galactic worlds before this Earth was even considered. Those that were created from agenda of Control or Usury are showing up in our world, as we had intended.
WHY was that our intention?
Because those Outsiders had invaded our space, lied, crushed and then hidden, sometimes in the guise of "friend".
The Law of Manifestation makes it impossible for them to remain hidden.
And, that requires that those of the Divine Families committed to GOOD for the entire, had to stay awake, aware in order to identify and name the end result for what it was, "A manifestation of a Destructive Outsider imprint.
That is YOUR job and MY job. To Name the energy at any level of manifestation, emotional, mental or physical as Outsider with no authority to
December 10, 2023
Deep Six Updates
Tesla Towers broadcast codes to neutralize any stories making Armageddon, Apocalypse, injustice, hate, anger, blame, etc. necessary.
Extinction process on all energy vibrations contrary to in direct opposition to All Good
Contracts to 'show' domination are fulfilled and forgive
Humanity and Gia is placed in the hands of Divine Good with the directive to dissolve what seems impossible and open doors to energies of All Good.
All souls prepared to 'walk'in' for Divine Plan are moved in appropriately
Galactic engineers are involved within Laniakea for DEEP Six process
The angels and being of Grace Love fills all space
Intelligences of Home have permission to come and work in the transformation
The Sophia Collective stands with Star souls in Female bodies to partner with Gaia, thrust 'swords' of Divine connections to Home to decree and be heard and answered.
There are Outsider groups who have basic agendas which are like Cancer to our life fields.
Their agendas to Control/Dominate or Use in whatever form they choose is not compatible to Life. Removing such Beings and their Agendas and Forms are the very purpose of Earth Mission,
They no longer have the Authority to be on our planet or in our Life Field. They complex steps to identify, contain, neutralize, unplug, and remove them to the place of Origin are contained within the declaration, DEEP Six!
Every process and declaration in the Sacred Ground Community and the TAG Galactic System of Transformation, Healing, and Education is based on Galactic History, Earth Mission, Soul Missions, and Universal Laws.
The DEEP Six is a declaration/decree that requires that collectives of souls in the unseen world with specific abilities to identify Outsider frequencies, hear and follow the directives bundled for the work of moving them into original home and extinction.
Then, to heal/balance the energies involved while identifying energy vibrations in any frequency coming from those who hold agendas to dominate, control, discount the Good held or created by others. What directive? The ones bundled for the work to identify patterns that have disrupted energy, to heal/balance the energies involved while identifying energy vibrations in any frequency coming from those who hold agendas to dominate, control, discount the Good held or created by others.
Such usurping of others energy is NOT Acceptable. It is a foreign, invasive concept. It is like cancer any where it exists.
The protocol of NOT Acceptable can be activated by the words, DEEP Six.
These words, Deep Six, are the holders of a very extensive Declaration into those in the Unseen World.
This Declaration is based on the Universal Law, "Ask, and You will Receive!"
As a Radical Mystic with teachers in worlds beyond Earth, I am very clear that there are Beings from systems outside of the the 7 Divine Families that are incarnating on Earth.
Their agendas are to Control/Dominate or Use in whatever form they choose. At the least, their agenda constricts the Life of our families. But their actions do not stop at constricting. They discount, diminish, crush, devalue, and ultimately destroy all that is GOOD. In addition, they have built systems and cultures to advance their agendas.
And they no longer have the Authority to be on our planet or in our Life Field. Principles of the Protocol - NOT Acceptable
All of the Process and Protocol of the TAG System of Transformation are based on Universal Laws for this planet and beyond.
The Law of Manifestation
The Law of Free Agency
The Law of Personal Authority
The initial Mission for this Planet was to identify the end result of energy imprints. Most of the imprints were created in the Galactic worlds before this Earth was even considered. Those that were created from agenda of Control or Usury are showing up in our world, as we had intended.
WHY was that our intention?
Because those Outsiders had invaded our space, lied, crushed and then hidden, sometimes in the guise of "friend".
The Law of Manifestation makes it impossible for them to remain hidden.
And, that requires that those of the Divine Families committed to GOOD for the entire, had to stay awake, aware in order to identify and name the end result for what it was, "A manifestation of a Destructive Outsider imprint.
That is YOUR job and MY job. To Name the energy at any level of manifestation, emotional, mental or physical as Outsider with no authority to
December 10, 2023
Deep Six Updates
Tesla Towers broadcast codes to neutralize any stories making Armageddon, Apocalypse, injustice, hate, anger, blame, etc. necessary.
Extinction process on all energy vibrations contrary to in direct opposition to All Good
Contracts to 'show' domination are fulfilled and forgive
Humanity and Gia is placed in the hands of Divine Good with the directive to dissolve what seems impossible and open doors to energies of All Good.
All souls prepared to 'walk'in' for Divine Plan are moved in appropriately
Galactic engineers are involved within Laniakea for DEEP Six process
The angels and being of Grace Love fills all space
Intelligences of Home have permission to come and work in the transformation
The Sophia Collective stands with Star souls in Female bodies to partner with Gaia, thrust 'swords' of Divine connections to Home to decree and be heard and answered.