Chakra Balancing

In many systems, healers work with seven chakras; energy centers of a circuitry system of survival. Within TAG we work with the full chakra system through seventeen basic chakras as represented by our Original circuitry blueprint. Each of the seventeen chakra in the Original system links with corresponding energy centers in the Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Galactic bodies. The health of these centers are critical to your health.
The chakras are sustained by full spectrum of Light; the entire color band. That means that every chakra needs all colors of the Light spectrum. A single color approach will imbalance the system similar to the way negative energies, such as fear, do within your life.
Gemstones are usually single spectrum stones. That means each stone vibrates at one color ray, i.e. red or green or yellow, etc. Energy healers use gemstone for specific situations.They do not have the full color spectrum needed by each chakras even though they have been assigned as the "color" for each chakra.
For the TAG chakra balancing, you will want to find at least seventeen rocks from nature. They may come from a river bank, lake or ocean beach, from your garden or other places in nature. * Not lava rocks.
To balance your chakras. Take your seventeen nature stones. Lay down in a quiet and sacred space. Cover yourself with a cozy cover to stay warm and to provide a place for the stones. Ask that the TAG healers be present along with your own team of teachers. Speak the qualities you require for your space such as: safe, loving, wise, deeply healing, committed, etc.
Then, place the stones on each of the chakra centers and lie quietly in your Sacred energy space. Include the ones at the bottoms of your feet, bottom of your spine and base of your skull. When you are ready, ask the TAG healers to "Active the TAG Matrix Balance for the Chakras".
Allow at least 30 minutes as the work is done; all chakras activated, new pathways opened, new circuitry created and the work on the physical centers to be duplicated in the Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Galactic bodies.
You can do this as you go to bed at night and even drift off into sleep. As the stones roll off, their work is complete.
Using the power of your Word to create new patterns with the Reality Shift will change your direction in life.
* Lava rocks are not ones that will feed and balance as they act at poultices to draw out negative frequencies. You may feel guided to have some in your healing toolbox. Just remember, since their job is to draw out, they will need to be cleansed regularly in the sun and moon energies. You will want to place a nature stone on the area where the poultice stones have removed density. This will feed and rebalance that specific area.
The chakras are sustained by full spectrum of Light; the entire color band. That means that every chakra needs all colors of the Light spectrum. A single color approach will imbalance the system similar to the way negative energies, such as fear, do within your life.
Gemstones are usually single spectrum stones. That means each stone vibrates at one color ray, i.e. red or green or yellow, etc. Energy healers use gemstone for specific situations.They do not have the full color spectrum needed by each chakras even though they have been assigned as the "color" for each chakra.
For the TAG chakra balancing, you will want to find at least seventeen rocks from nature. They may come from a river bank, lake or ocean beach, from your garden or other places in nature. * Not lava rocks.
To balance your chakras. Take your seventeen nature stones. Lay down in a quiet and sacred space. Cover yourself with a cozy cover to stay warm and to provide a place for the stones. Ask that the TAG healers be present along with your own team of teachers. Speak the qualities you require for your space such as: safe, loving, wise, deeply healing, committed, etc.
Then, place the stones on each of the chakra centers and lie quietly in your Sacred energy space. Include the ones at the bottoms of your feet, bottom of your spine and base of your skull. When you are ready, ask the TAG healers to "Active the TAG Matrix Balance for the Chakras".
Allow at least 30 minutes as the work is done; all chakras activated, new pathways opened, new circuitry created and the work on the physical centers to be duplicated in the Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Galactic bodies.
You can do this as you go to bed at night and even drift off into sleep. As the stones roll off, their work is complete.
Using the power of your Word to create new patterns with the Reality Shift will change your direction in life.
* Lava rocks are not ones that will feed and balance as they act at poultices to draw out negative frequencies. You may feel guided to have some in your healing toolbox. Just remember, since their job is to draw out, they will need to be cleansed regularly in the sun and moon energies. You will want to place a nature stone on the area where the poultice stones have removed density. This will feed and rebalance that specific area.