The Third World Is Corrected..
1. Surround yourself with the Golden Cocoon Field and Guardian Circle often during the day.
2. Activate The TAG Matrix of Transmutation in behalf of yourself and all to whom you are connected
in love.
3. Declare mentally or verbally:
a.The third world is corrected
b.The thirteenth group is removed and replaced with mentors of wisdom, strength and commitment
c. All sacred contracts for limit are fulfilled and forgiven
d. All contracts with outsiders/parasitics are identified and eliminate
4. Claim mentally or verbally, “The systems and circuits of my physical body suit are corrected,
connected, upgraded to the Evolutionary Blueprint, and activated for my Divine mission.
5. I active the TAG Matrix of Transmutation on all cellular, genetic history and storage of mine and of
all to whom I am connected. in love”.
6. At any sign of discomfort, Ask 3 times , “Are You of My Light?’ Ask the TAG and PTO Spiritual teams to
identify and remove all layers that are not Light into the Extinction Protocol.
7. Activate TAG and Transform, Scottie Blaster and Huge Healing on any discomfort that you feel or
sense in those around you