The 11th Hour Protocol
As I was putting together a mentoring program for those wanting to have a new baby, I was told that each Star Soul was key in creating a plan for his/her life. The plans are made wit a group of trusted allies, Star family friends. This is done in the 7th World.
The plan includes the Soul's hopes to accomplish, old patterns to end/transform, relationships to continue or to walk in healthier ways, all in addition to the Earth Mission that is the common factor for all, to remove all agendas, energies, and forms of Domination/Outsider.
The 11th Hour protocol has to do with the old negative patterns, memories, stories, and trauma. Because energy does not self-correct, it is in the physical lifetime that such energies can be identified and healed.
A Soul brings in a group of such 'negative karma' as baggage in every lifetime. Each lifetime the Soul would choose a variety of 'amounts/weights'.
What is valuable to understand from the perspective of new parents is that 90% of those patterns are 'marked for effortless' removal. It was intended that those marked patterns/negative seeds be blessed, sung, prayed, danced, declared removed by those in the maternal line of the new baby by one year old.
Most mothers, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, were never taught.
Hence, after one years of age, the Soul is in the Eleventh Hour.
Instead of having a basically 'weed-free' garden, the new one has weeds growing that were not intended to be in his/her energy field.
The TAG Healing Collective has permission to go to the 'marked for removal' imprints and transform them back to Light.
The damage done through the years can be restored to health with focused energy from an integrative program.